Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You can never make everyone happy!

It's been awhile since I've checked in but life has been busy and I finally have the chance to write.  Today I learned that you can never make everyone happy as we all have expectations that may or may not be reached.

It seems when somebody gets an idea inside their head, that's it ~ it's set.  Unfortunately if you are in the service industry you know how challenging a person like this can be!  They want to look like this or want to feel like that or whatever the case may be and when you do what you do best, it just doesn't seem like enough for them...

Then they get upset that you could not meet their expectations even though they were insanely unrealistic in the first place!  Then the process begins of what can I do now? or what are YOU going to do about it? and so on and so forth...  In the end, all you can do is explain why or appologize that they did not get the results they were looking for and that they have to accept it.... A concept that some people just don't get these days!

Either way you have to keep your chin up and let it brush off your shoulders and move on with a smile!