Saturday, July 31, 2010

Never think surgery is simple & always go with your gut!

Our doggie Gucci is a miniature pinscher (minpin) who is nine years of age and has had two lumps/cysts growing on her backside for two years now, and for two years we've been asking that the vet remove the lumps, and for two years they've come back saying that it's no big deal and to leave the lumps alone as the scar would be worse than the cysts.  Well... those lumps kept growing and the vet kept coming back with the same answer until finally the cysts started to bother our dog Gucci and effect her walking. 

At this point the vet listened and agreed that it was time for the cysts to come out as they were causing pain and had tripled in size.  Needless to say, not pretty to look at.  We were given the impression that the surgery would be quite simple so even though we had planned to go away this long weekend we agreed to do the surgery before the trip.  Well, things weren’t so “simple” in the surgery and it didn't work out the way the vet had hoped so our dog has come back to us pretty much butchered and her body now looks even worse then when she had the cysts. Instead of bumps, she has indentations!  So we've had to cancel our long-weekend get-a-way to take care of our little doggie that is now in a lot of pain, is still bleeding and trying to recover.

So, what lessons have I learned from this ordeal you ask? #1 – ALWAYS go with your gut and do what YOU think is the right thing to do and don't just take the "professionals" opinion or at least get a second opinion!  #2 - don't believe it when they tell you the surgery is not a big deal and NEVER plan anything like this before a trip!..

I pray our dog will come out of this better than before the cysts and that she will be able to run around like the crazy pup that she’s always been!